Saturday, May 28, 2011

His First Post (The Promise)

Literature has always been a real passion of mine. The same goes for music and film. I have constantly tried to create a blog that would chronicle my random everyday findings, but it never seemed to work out. However, I have now found a vessel to express my creative criticisms. In modern times it seems that anyone with a YouTube account and a mediocre voice can land a record contract and go on six months later to write their "memoirs." One of my purposes for writing this journal is to bring some normalcy back into the minds of the readers. Society, as a whole, have blurred the lines between what is artistic talent and what sells for a quick buck. With this journal, I will utilize my every day findings in the world of entertainment and post things that I believe still exert true artistic form. So let me end my rant on the mundane and effortless world of pop culture, and begin voicing my opinions and criticsms of the Arts.

"Every man's memory is his private literature."
                                            -Aldous Huxley